Customize your survey invitation message

2 min read
You can customize the email and SMS messages that respondents will receive when invited to take a survey.
It is mandatory to add email and SMS messages before sending your survey, both manually and automatically.

Customize the email message

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Go to the survey detail page. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Locate the Invitation message section. 5. Click on the Create button or the Edit button, in the Email section. 6. Choose an Survey access options. 7. Add a Subject. This also appears as the title in the email. 8. Add an invitation message in the Content section. 9. Add the text of the button that will lead to the survey. 10. Click on the Save button.

Customize the SMS message

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Go to the survey detail page. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Locate the Invitation message section. 5. Click on the Create button or the Edit button, in the SMS section. 6. Choose an Survey access options. 7. Add an invitation message in the Content section. Please note that the link to the survey will be added automatically by Lime at the end of the message. 8. Click on the Save button.

Survey access options

You have 2 options for helping the respondent access the survey:

Single-use hyperlinkThe hyperlink allows the respondent to access the survey directly from the invitation message and to complete it only once.
Text-only invitationThe message contains no hyperlinks or codes, and allows you to invite the respondent to access the survey at a location of your choice.
Unique codeThe message contains a unique code that the user can use in a portal to access the survey. Documentation available

Translate the messages

The main language of the message is the same as the main language of the survey. You can translate messages into other languages by clicking Add a language. To remove a language, click the trash can icon next to it.

Did you know? When sending the survey, the language specified for the contact will use the translation if it is available. Otherwise, the primary language will be used as a fallback.

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