Send a survey or a message

7 min read

Generate a public link for a survey

A survey can be shared using a generic public link. This link allows anyone to complete a specific survey.

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Go to the survey details page. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Go to the Send manually section. 5. Copy the generic link using the Copy link button. 6. Send it manually, or make it public on your website.

Generate a QR code for a survey

A survey can be shared using a QR code. This link allows anyone to complete a specific survey by scanning the code.

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Go to the survey details page. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Go to the Send manually section. 5. Click on the QR Code button. 6. Click on the Download button. 7. Print the QR code and display it.

Send a communication manually by email or SMS

You can send a survey or message by email or SMS, either by adding contacts manually or by importing a list of contacts in CSV format.

Add contacts manually

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Click on the Send by email or Send by SMS button in the Send manually section. 5. For each contact, enter the email or SMS. 6. For each contact, select the communication language. The communication language defines the language of the email or SMS when it is sent. 7. Click on the Next button. 8. Define a Sending time, either Send ss soon as possible, or Schedule the sending. 9. Click on the Next button. 10. Schedule up to 5 reminders, if required. 11. Click on the Next button. 12. Confirm the information to use for the sending. 13. Click on the Send/Schedule button as appropriate.

Add contacts via CSV import

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Click on the Send by email or Send by SMS button in the Send manually section. 5. Click on the Import contact list (CSV) button at bottom left. 6. Select the column corresponding to the contact information (depending on your choice of email or SMS) from the drop-down list. 7. Choose a sending Language for all contacts. 8. Click on the Import button. 9. Your contacts are now displayed in the contact list. You can repeat steps 1 to 8 to import several CSV lists for the same sending. 10. Click on the Next button. 11. Define a Sending time, either Send ss soon as possible, or Schedule the sending. 12. Click on the Next button. 13. Schedule up to 5 reminders, if required. 14. Click on the Next button. 15. Confirm the information to use for the sending. 16. Click on the Send/Schedule button as appropriate.

Send a communication automatically by email or SMS

Automated rules enable a survey or message to be sent automatically when an event is generated by another system, such as an appointment status change, or a patient discharge in the ADT (admission-discharge-transfer).

Before you start Make sure that your systems have been integrated with Lime, and that the functionality has been activated. The systems available may vary from one workspace to another.

Create a rule

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Click on the Create rule button in the Automatic sendings section. 5. Choose a system. 6. Choose a trigger condition available in this system (e.g.: The patient has completed his appointment). 7. Click on the Add filter button. 8. Select one or more filters. 9. Select one or more values for each filter. 10. Click on the Save button.

Add a sending time to automatic sendings rules

It is possible to add a delay, or not, to automatic sending rules, by choosing the number of days after which to send the survey or message, and at what time to send it. The delay will apply to future scheduled sendings, for all automatic sending rules.

1. Select the Sending method. 2. Select the Sending time. 3. Choose a delay in days. 4. Choose a time to send. 5. Click on the Save button.

There are several sending methods available, some of which allow you to use an alternative sending method if the contact information for the main sending method is not available. This way, you may have a better chance of reaching your recipients. Please note that only one mailing will be sent by the main or alternative method (email or SMS).

Edit a rule

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. From the list of rules, click on the 3-dots menu of the rule you wish to edit. 5. Click on Edit.

Scheduled sendings will be sent with the old settings. It is preferable to deactivate a rule and create a new one if you wish to edit existing filters.

Delete a rule

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. From the list of rules, click on the 3-dots menu of the rule you wish to edit. 5. Click on Delete.

Enable or disable sendings scheduling

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Activate/deactivate the rule from the list of rules using the switch.

Deactivate/delete rule

Scheduling related to this rule will be deactivated. No sending will be scheduled when an event corresponding to this rule is received from your system; however, sending already scheduled will be sent at the scheduled time.

Activate rule

Scheduling of sendings linked to this rule will resume. Sendings will be scheduled when an event corresponding to this rule is received from your system.


The switch on a rule has no influence on the activation of sendings (This allows you, for example, to test scheduling without sending communications to respondents.

Activate/deactivate scheduled sendings

A switch allows you to activate or deactivate scheduled sendings.

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Distribution tab. 4. Go to the Activation of sendings section. 5. Activate/deactivate sendings using the switch.

Deactivate sendings

When deactivated, sendings will be canceled at the scheduled sending time.

Activate sendings

Future sendings will be sent at the scheduled time. Canceled (past) sendings will not be distributed automatically.


The activation of sendings switch has no influence on the rule switch (This allows you, for example, to test scheduling without sending communications to respondents.

Cancel scheduled sendings of questionnaires or messages

In case of an error during the scheduling of sendings and reminders, it is possible to cancel their distribution.

The history of sendings tab allows the selection of sendings to cancel them individually, or in groups by choosing a batch for example. Batches of sendings are created during the manual scheduling.

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages through the main navigation. 2. Select the survey or message for which you want to cancel sendings for. 3. Click on the Sendings tab. 4. Filter the list as needed by creation date or batch, for example. 5. Select specific results or all results based on your cancellation needs. 6. Click on Cancel sendings.

Track sendings and their status

You can track the sendings of a survey or message. Among other things, you'll find the sending method, the scheduling date, the sent date, its status and other useful information. A detailed report is also available to explain the reasons for failed and canceled sendings.

Access the list of sendings

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages via the main navigation. 2. Go to the detail page of the survey or message you wish to send. 3. Click on the Sendings tab. 4. Filter sendings by various criteria.

Sending status

SentWe have succeeded in sending the communication. For some reason the recipient may not have received it, but we cannot confirm this.
PlannedThe sending is ready to go and will be sent at the specified time.
FailedWe were unable to send the communication (see details).
CancelledWe have cancelled the planned sending (see details).

Detail: Failed

BlockThe receiving server has refused the message.
BounceThe receiving server has refused the message.
DroppedThe message has been abandoned to protect the sender's reputation (bounces, reported as spam, unsubscribes, etc.).
Invalid “To” phone numberThe phone number does not exist or is invalid.
Landline or unreachable carrierThe phone number is a landline (home) or the number cannot be reached by the service provider.
Message filteredThe content of your message has been flagged as being against the operator's guidelines. Your message has been filtered (blocked) by our systems or by the operator. Examples of messages that would be blocked are spam, phishing and fraud.
Message from unregistered numberYou send messages to the USA using an American 10DLC number that is not associated with an approved A2P 10DLC campaign.
Unknown destination handsetThe destination number you are trying to reach is unknown and may no longer exist.
Unreachable destination handsetThe destination number cannot receive this message. Possible reasons include an attempt to reach a landline or, in the case of short numbers, an unreachable operator.
Attempt to send to unsubscribed recipientThe recipient has unsubscribed from email (unsubscribe) or SMS (mention stop).
Other reasonsWe don't know the reason for the failure.

Detail: Cancelled

The respondent has already answeredRespondent has already completed the survey. Reminders only are cancelled.
Respondent refused to answerThe respondent has refused to answer with the "I don't want to answer" function. Reminders only are cancelled.
Limit of sendings to the same contactThe contact already has a sending scheduled within the sending limitation period.
Initial sending cancelledReminders will not be sent because the original sending has been cancelled.
Disabled sendingsSendings were deactivated when we tried to send the communication.
Cancelled manuallyA user manually cancelled the sending.
Other reasonsWe do not know the reason for the cancellation.
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