Transfer a survey’s or a message’s ownership

2 min read

Team dynamics and organizational structures can evolve. To accommodate these changes, you can seamlessly transfer ownership of surveys and messages when a member leaves the organization or is unavailable for some time.

Since some actions are restricted to the owner of a survey or a message, the ownership transfer ensures that, at all times, a user has access to the content as well as the management of collaborators.

As an owner, you can transfer a survey’s or a message’s ownership to a collaborator.

As an administrator, you can transfer a survey’s or a message’s ownership when suspending a member from the platform or transfer specifically in situations where the owner is not available.

A notification is sent to the new owner to avoid any disruption in content management.

Transfer ownership as an owner

1. Access the Surveys or Messages list via the main navigation. 2. Click on the three-dot menu or go to the survey or message detail page. 3. Click on Access. 4. Click on the drop-down menu to the right of the employee to whom you want to transfer ownership. 5. Click on Transfer ownership.

Transfer ownership as an administrator

1. Access the list of Surveys or Messages through the main navigation. 2. Click on the three-dot menu. 3. Choose the Transfer ownership option. 4. Search and select the member to whom you want to transfer ownership to. 5. Click on Transfer.

Transfer ownership when suspending a member

1. Access the list of Members through the main navigation. 2. Click on the three-dot menu next to the member that you want to suspend. 3. Choose the Suspend access option. 4. If the member owns surveys or messages, a transfer ownership screen will appear. 5. Search and select the member to whom you want to transfer ownership to. 6. Click on Suspend.

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