Analyze text responses

3 min read

The Text analysis module facilitates qualitative analysis using artificial intelligence. It includes a keyword search, sentiment analysis, and theme analysis. Text answers include text answer questions (open-ended questions) and comments.

A Large Language Model (LLM) is used to extract sentiment from text by analyzing the tone, language and context of the words used. The model looks for specific indicators of emotion, such as positive or negative words, expressions of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and the general feeling conveyed by the text. By analyzing the content of the text and comparing it with a list of themes provided, the model can also associate themes with the text. Extracts from comments and open-ended responses are classified into 6 sentiment levels:

  • Very positive
  • Positive
  • Neutral
  • Negative
  • Very negative
  • Mixed

Since a message may contain several distinct and relevant pieces of information, replies and comments are broken down into quotes. For more context, the full commentary is available by clicking on the extract. Some extracts will also be automatically linked to one of these predefined themes:

Care and interventionsFocuses on the patient's experience following his admission, during medical care and procedures, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of interventions, as well as the responsiveness and expertise of the staff.
Interpersonal skillsInterpersonal skills of healthcare staff, including their ability to demonstrate understanding and sensitivity to patients' feelings and experiences as well as the importance of paying special attention to patients' needs and concerns.
WaitingWaiting times for appointments, emergencies, and surgical interventions.
InformationAvailability and quality of educational information provided to patients about their health condition, preparation for treatments, and details of medical procedures, as well as the clarity and effectiveness of communication between patients and various medical and administrative staff members.
SupportThe reassuring presence and emotional support provided to patients, as well as the referral to additional support resources.
AccessEase of access to care, specialists, preventive services, and medications, ensuring equal access for all patients.
Comfort of the care environmentThe pleasantness and comfort of the environment across all care spaces, including the patient room, the operating room, and shared areas.
PreferencesIndividual choices regarding treatment and care processes, adapting health services to the patient's personal, cultural, and religious preferences.
Pain managementProper and effective pain management for patients to improve their comfort and recovery.
CoordinationOrganization and collaboration among different healthcare professionals to effectively meet patients' needs.
Continuity and transitionCareful coordination between different phases of care and transitions between healthcare facilities, providing a safe and seamless patient experience.
Family and close onesThe involvement of the patient's family and friends in the care process, recognizing their important role in support and decision-making.
Quality of mealsThe nutritional input and taste quality of meals served to patients, recognizing the importance of nutrition in the healing process.
Reception/admissionThe quality and smoothness of the patient's reception and admission processes.
CleanlinessThe level of cleanliness and hygiene of the healthcare facility, with an emphasis on infection prevention.
AutonomyPatients’ involvement regarding the choice of their treatment, enhancing their ability to manage their health independently.
PrivacyPatients’ privacy during care, ensuring that interactions and treatments respect their personal dignity.
LanguageWhether the information and communications are provided in the patient's preferred language for optimal understanding.
RightsPatients' rights are respected, including the right to information, informed consent, and the protection of their integrity.
ConfidentialityThe security of patients' personal and medical information, ensuring that their confidentiality is maintained at all times.

Enable or disable text analysis on a question

The text analysis feature is enabled by default when creating a question. You can enable or disable it individually for text answer questions, comments and/or other choices.

  1. Access the Surveys list via the main navigation.
  1. Click on the survey you want to edit.
  1. Click on the Edit button.
  1. Click on the question you want to edit.
  1. Enable/disable the “Analyze sentiments found in the answers“ option using the switch (text answer questions and/or comments).
  1. Save the question.
Answers and comments that are 4 letters or less are not analyzed, even if the switch is enabled.

Analyze text responses from a questionnaire

  1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation.
  1. Click on the survey
  1. Click on the Text analysis tab.
  1. Click on a text response for more details.

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