Logics and actions on questions

4 min read

Logics and actions on questions

Adding logics automatically trigger actions in your questionnaire depending on certain conditions met by the respondent. There are two types of logic that can be used:

  • skip logic
  • display logic

It is also a great way to segment your respondents and make their experience as simple as possible.

Skip logic

Skip logic allows you to specify which question the user should be redirected to after answering a question.

Define a destination question (always jump to)

In all question types, it is possible to specify which question the user should be redirected to after answering a question.

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Navigate to the survey you want to modify. 3. Click on the Edit survey button. 4. Click on the question to be modified. 5. Click on the Logics and actions tab 6. Activate the skip logic using the switch. 7. Select the destination question in the Always jump to section. It is also possible to select the End of survey. In this case, the user will not have to answer any other questions and their answers will be submitted automatically.

Create a rule

Each rule contains one or more conditions, which define which question the user should be redirected to depending on the answer provided. This option is available for multiple choices questions only, in "single answer" mode.

  1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation.
  1. Navigate to the survey you want to modify.
  1. Click on the Edit survey button.
  1. Click on the question to be modified.
  1. Click on the Logics and actions tab.
  1. Activate the skip logic using the switch.
  1. In the When the answer to this question is section, select the answer choice(s) that will trigger the condition. One of these must be selected by the user to activate the rule.
  1. For this same rule, select the destination question in the Then jump to section. It is also possible to select the End of survey. In this case, the user will not have to answer any more questions and their answers will be submitted automatically.
  1. Click on the Save button.
The answer choices can only be used once in the entire set of rules. When all choices have been used, the Add a condition, Add a rule, and In All other cases, jump to buttons disappear.
When adding a rule, the Always jump to option changes to In ALL other cases, jump to which allows a destination question to be set if the user answers something other than the choices defined in one of the rules.

Delete a rule

  1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation.
  1. Navigate to the survey you want to modify.
  1. Click on the Edit survey button.
  1. Click on the question to be modified.
  1. Click on the Logics and actions tab.
  1. Click on Delete this rule.
It is possible to disable the skip logic option by using the switch. If you disable the skip logic, all rules will be deleted.

Display logic

Display logic allows you to show a question or a section to your respondents conditionally on what they answered to a previous question.

Create a rule

Each rule contains one or more conditions, which define which question or section the user should see depending on the answer provided. This option is available for all question types and section.

  1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation.
  1. Navigate to the survey you want to modify.
  1. Click on the Edit survey button.
  1. Click on the question or the section to be modified.
  1. Click on the Logics and actions tab.
  1. Activate the skip logic using the switch.
  1. In the Display this question when the answer to, select the question and the answer choice(s) that will trigger the condition. Both of these must be selected by the user to activate the rule.
  1. Click on the Save button.
Only multiple choices, in "single answer" mode, faces or drop-down list question are available for creating a display rule.
The answer choices can only be used once in the entire set of rules. When all choices have been used, the Add a condition button disappear.

Delete a rule

  1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation.
  1. Navigate to the survey you want to modify.
  1. Click on the Edit survey button.
  1. Click on the question or the section to be modified.
  1. Click on the Logics and actions tab.
  1. Deactivate the display logic using the switch, or click on the trash can icon to delete each element of the rule.
It is possible to disable display logic using the switch. If you disable display logic, the rule will be deleted.
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