Analyze text responses

2 min read

The Text analysis module facilitates qualitative analysis using artificial intelligence. It includes a keyword search, sentiment analysis, and theme analysis. Text answers include text answer questions (open-ended questions) and comments.

Please note that the text analysis module is currently under development (BETA). The accuracy of the results may vary.

Enable or disable text analysis on a question

The text analysis feature is enabled by default when creating a question. You can enable or disable it individually for text answer questions, comments and/or other choices.

1. Access the Surveys list via the main navigation. 2. Navigate to the survey you want to edit. 3. Click on the Edit button. 4. Click on the question you want to edit. 5. Enable/disable the “Analyze sentiments found in the answers“ option using the switch (text answer questions and/or comments). 6. Save the question.

Analyze text responses from a questionnaire

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Go to the survey detail page. 3. Click on the Text analysis tab. 4. Click on a text response for more details.

Sentiment analysis

The sentiment analysis function provides sentiment labels (such as "negative", "neutral", "positive", and "mixed") based on the highest confidence score found at the text level. This function also returns confidence scores between 0 and 100 for each text and the sentences within it for positive, neutral, and negative sentiments.

PositiveAt least one sentence is
NegativeAt least one sentence is
MixedAt least one sentence is
NeutralAll the sentences in the text are

Please note that the sentiment analysis is based on the language in which the respondent submitted their answer. There may be conflicting results if the respondent submits a response in a different language than specified on the survey. The analyses are currently available in French and English only.

Filter text responses

1. Access the list of Surveys via the main navigation. 2. Go to the survey detail page. 3. Click on the Text analysis tab. 4. Filter texts by sentiment level, question, alert or time period.

Alerts on keywords

Alerts allow you to quickly identify the use of certain words by your respondents. These apply to all surveys.

Create an alert

1. Access the Configuration via the main navigation. 2. Access the Alert tab. 3. Click on the Create button. 4. Enter a keyword which will generate an alert. 5. Click on the Add button.

Edit an alert

1. Access the Configuration via the main navigation. 2. Access the Alert tab. 3. Click the 3-dots menu. 4. Click Edit. 5. Edit the keyword that generates an alert.

Delete an alert

1. Access the Configuration via the main navigation. 2. Access the Alert tab. 3. Click the 3-dots menu. 4. Click Delete. 5. Confirm the deletion

Consult alerts in a survey

1. Access the Surveys list via the main navigation 2. Go to the survey detail page. 3. Click on the Text analysis tab. 4. Filter text by alert.

You can search for a specific alert or select all alerts. Alerts appear in color in the text.
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